Featured Work
With 20+ years of experience in communications, it's hard to narrow down my favorite projects. Below is some of the high-impact work of which I'm really proud.
View additional work on my portfolio.
Conferences for Women
I'm not saying that meeting Tina Fey was the impetus for pursuing this contract ... but not saying it's not. Maybe that's a close second #LifeGoal to helping women connect, feel empowered and pursue equity. (With my mom, to boot!)
Outcomes include more than 90 million impressions, $1.3 million in ad equivalency and the immeasurable feeling of making a difference.
The Tamron Hall Show
This coverage was not the goal, but now it's the standard! A piece from the Philadelphia Inquirer led to an invite to the Tamron Hall Show in May, which led to a piece on 6abc, which we leveraged into a story in the S. Philly Times, and finally (so far) on NBC10.